Blown Away! / Funding Thresholds

Andy is already plugging away on the linework for the backgrounds planned thanks to all your generous support! I'm astonished at the amazing reception, I couldn't do it without you all.

That said, here are the main thresholds for the art I had planned that we are CRUSHING:

Background Art x8 - $340 ($340 Total)- FUNDED!!

Andy, as mentioned, is already working on this now that it's funded, but for clarity I feel I should go over it. My baseline requirement I've set for myself for Discordantopia's backgrounds is eight, and that is what has been funded. Later down the funding trail, I can go up to 12 if necessary. As we progress through funding, I will be able to better gauge this, but currently what was funded is simply lineart. If we keep pushing, I'd love to get some spot color done to really make it pop out on the page. In order of which one to get first, that being the extra backgrounds or spot color, I'd do spot color and then any additional backgrounds would also have spot color to be consistent.

NPC Portraits x5 - $266 ($606 Total) - COMING UP!!

For every location type (see the different colors on the map, total of 5 including grey), I want one NPC illustration from Andy to really show the vibe of the area. Since grey is largest, a potential funding goal is to get more of that third-page art for larger location types.

Wrap-Around Cover - $160 ($766 Total) OR $213 ($819 Total)

While I love the promo art that Andy made, part of me thinks I could go for something more avant garde. Of course, the promo art will still find a place in the zine, but until I hear some other opinions (leave comments below!) I put the "OR" there to represent if I go with the promo art as the wrap-around cover or I do I something new, respectively.

Promo Art / Potential Cover


Still discussing with Tony Dowler for exact prices, but an intro mission with a map (given space) would be great. Speaking of space...

ZINE EXTENSION - If Fully Funded

I suspect I'm already going to have space issues with so much art planned, so, if we get fully funded, I will extend the zine to 64 pages, and between the previous threshold and here I will use that money to get art. Again, no money's going to me during Zine Month! I want it all to go to a gorgeous and amazing product.

...Potentially more stretch goals, we'll get there when we get there...

Editing - TBD (Max $500)

As the second to last stretch goal, and in preparation for the last stretch goal, I would love to get some good editing. I don't have anyone yet, but am putting feelers out for quotes. If you want to contact me more professionally, reach me at, though I'd prefer most discourse on Discord for ease of reaching out and that I'm always on there.

Printing - If Editing Complete

If we get far enough to do editing, I will begin the process of preparing for print. The plan will most likely be at-cost printing for those who have backed, giving them a discount, and then there will be a bit of profit on those that missed Zine Month. I was initially planning on keeping this digital-only for awhile, but I thought it'd be good to leave this as the final stretch goal, and just come in with the expectation that I'd be preparing for print if I reach this goal.

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