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I've been digging into Messerspiel and Abenteuerspiel. I've been trying to merge and hack them to fit my own preferences. I've found that it's really tricky to make even small tweaks to small games like these because all of the parts are so interconnected to the whole. I wanted to say I appreciate your approach and the changes you made for your game. 

Firstly, I like that you reframed it as Resolve rather than Stress. Stress is a fine word, and it has roots in Blades in the Dark, but I think "Resolve" is a broader and more pertinent word that reflects better how it functions in these stripped-down games.
Second to that, I love how you use the 7-8 on the d8 to give some additional options for the Resolve result. That helps solve one problem I had with the depletion of the pools. It bakes in the possibility of retaining your die which is valuable because it only takes on average 13 rolls of the Stress die to deplete your pool in Messerspiel. That felt a bit harsh to me, so I like that your Resolve mechanic makes it possible to retain the die.
The idea of adding Moments in the spirit of Heart/Spire is just fantastic and gives the players something to navigate towards.
And building up the pool Wushu-style is great.

All around just wonderful work here.

Question/challenge for you: my one misgiving about the Resolve Die is that it's a d8 and breaks the beautiful purity of all d6s LOL. Can you conceive of any way to get the Resolve mechanics to work with just d6s. Maybe for a d6 version the same options are available if they roll a 6? Or do you think that breaks the probabilities in an important way? I still think the d8 design is great, I'm just curious from your perspective if you see a way of making it work with d6s.

Firstly, I wanted to thank you very much for your feedback, it made my week.

Secondly, to answer your question, just spitballing, I'd make it to where if you roll a '6' on the Resolve Die AND one other die rolled, you get to pick an option. Kind of like how 12+ in World of Dungeons is a crit, you could make the Resolve options be a way to 'crit', but still tied to the (potential) depletion of your resources.

Thanks again!